A red aura is indicative of a strong energetic connection to the Root Chakra, also known as the Earth Chakra. The Root Chakra is the energy center that grounds us and governs our instincts and survival mode. When this chakra is balanced it provides us with a sensation of feeling secure. A person with a red aura is energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic about life. They are individuals of action, preferring to jump in and get started rather than sitting around planning or strategizing. They have a zest for life that is contagious, and they often inspire others with their vitality.
Red aura individuals have a strong physical presence and are very aware of their bodies and physical health. They are drawn to activities that involve physical strength and endurance. Their connection to the physical world also often makes them very practical and down-to-earth. They value the tangible and the concrete over the abstract or theoretical.
Passion is a key trait of individuals with a red aura. This passion can manifest in different ways; it could be a fiery passion for a cause they believe in, a passionate love for another person, or a burning desire to achieve their goals. This passion often makes them highly motivated and driven individuals who are not afraid to go after what they want.
Being associated with the root chakra, red aura individuals often have a strong survival instinct and are very resourceful. They can be fiercely independent and have a strong desire to provide for themselves and their loved ones. They are often very protective of those they care about and will not hesitate to defend them if they feel they are threatened.
In terms of relationships, red aura individuals are very passionate and intense. They are straightforward and honest, and they value these traits in others as well. They seek deep, meaningful connections rather than superficial relationships. They are usually very loyal to their partners and expect the same in return. In their professional lives, red aura individuals can succeed in careers that require physical strength, quick decision making, or leadership skills. They often thrive in environments where they can take initiative and act on their instincts.
It is important to remember that while red aura individuals are often energetic, passionate, and strong-willed, they are also capable of softness and vulnerability. Their intensity often comes from a deep well of emotions, and they can be incredibly loving and caring individuals. They often have a deep capacity for empathy and can be very sensitive to the emotions of others.
If the red in an aura is murky or dull in color, it can indicate blocked or stagnant energy, suppressed passion, unresolved anger or aggression, lack of grounding or feeling overwhelmed.
The color pink resonates at frequency similar to green, which corresponds to the Heart Chakra. Pink is a rare color to appear in an aura and when it does show up it signifies individuals who emanate gentle and loving energy towards others. Often described as highly affectionate and compassionate, pink auras have a natural inclination to care for other people. They have a warm and affectionate nature and express love freely to those around them. They value emotional connections and prioritize creating a caring and nurturing environment in all their relationships. With that goal in mind they also have a strong desire to maintain harmony and peace. They are often skilled at diffusing conflicts and bringing people together. They seek to create a balanced and harmonious atmosphere and strive to resolve conflicts with love and understanding. When there is a conflict, pink energy individuals are also extremely forgiving and understanding. They have a deep belief in the power of forgiveness and are willing to give people second chances. They strive to see the good in others and are quick to let go of grudges or resentments.
Pink vibrations can also be bubbly and positive, reflecting the feminine energy associated with the Heart chakra. They have a heightened sense of empathy and are often highly sensitive. They are romantic, appreciate beauty, love and romance and are inclined to express their affection through gestures of love, such as writing heartfelt letters, planning romantic dates, or creating meaningful experiences for their partners.
If the pink in an aura is murky or dull in color it can indicate a potential imbalance or blockage in the areas of love, relationships, or emotional well-being. It can also indicate unresolved emotional issues or uncertainty in matters of the heart.
Magenta is a color that sits between red and blue on the color spectrum and is therefore connected to the Third Eye (indigo) and Root (red) chakra colors. A magenta aura is extremely rare - so an individual who radiates this color is very unique. They exhibit a rich, vibrant personality and are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.
Creativity is a key characteristic of individuals with a magenta aura. They have a natural ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems. They excel in fields that require creative thinking, such as art, music, writing, or entrepreneurship. Their creativity is not limited to their professional life; it is a part of their very essence and permeates all aspects of their lives.
People with magenta auras are both dynamic and energetic. They are not afraid to take risks and are often seen as pioneers, always ready to explore new ideas and concepts. Their adventurous spirit and constant quest for knowledge make them exciting companions and inspirational leaders.
However, this energy can sometimes be overwhelming to others. Magenta auras can come off as intense or eccentric, and their unconventional ways can sometimes alienate them from more traditional-minded individuals. They can also be impulsive, making decisions based on their gut feelings rather than rational thought.
Despite these potential drawbacks, people with magenta auras are optimistic and have a positive outlook on life. They believe in the power of change and transformation and are always looking for ways to grow and evolve.
In relationships, people with magenta auras are passionate and intense. They deeply value authenticity and expect their partners to be honest and straightforward. They are not afraid to express their feelings and emotions, and they expect the same in return. They are fiercely loyal and will go to great lengths to protect and support their loved ones.
Although they may seem unconventional to some, those with a magenta aura are just expressing their true selves. They are passionate about life, and their energy and enthusiasm are often infectious. They are the mavericks, the innovators, the non-conformists who are not afraid to be different. They are the ones who see the world not as it is, but as it could be, and their unique perspective is often a source of inspiration for those around them.
If a magenta aura appears murky in color it can indicate an individual has encountered an obstacle in expressing their creativity, a challenge in connecting with their spiritual or intuitive side or are facing emotional turmoil that hampers their overall well-being.
Orange is the color of the Sacral Chakra, which relates to our creativity, emotional body and sensuality. An individual with an orange aura radiates warmth, vitality, and creativity. Orange auras are often associated with individuals who live life in the “fast lane” and have an insatiable thirst for new experiences. People with an orange aura are spontaneous, adventurous, and dynamic. They possess an infectious enthusiasm that inspires and uplifts those around them. The color orange symbolizes passion, joy, and living in the present moment.
Emotionally, individuals with an orange aura are known for their vibrant range of feelings. They possess an innate ability to connect deeply with their emotions and express them authentically. Their emotional landscape is characterized by passion, optimism, and a burning desire for personal growth. They are driven by a sense of purpose and strive to make a positive impact on others. However, individuals with an orange aura may also experience emotional challenges. Their intensity and passion can sometimes lead to impulsive behavior, restlessness, and a tendency to live on the edge. They may find it challenging to maintain long-term commitments due to a constant need for novelty and stimulation. Cultivating balance and self-discipline can help them harness their emotional energy effectively.
Orange aura individuals possess a boundless imagination and an innate ability to think outside the box. Their creativity manifests in various forms, including art, music, writing, etc. The orange aura personality thrives in environments that encourage exploration and provide outlets for their imaginative expression. Moreover, people with an orange aura possess an entrepreneurial spirit. They are often drawn to endeavors that allow them to take risks, initiate change, and challenge the status quo. With their natural charisma and magnetic energy, they can inspire and motivate others to embrace their own creativity and pursue their passions.
In relationships, individuals with an orange aura bring excitement, spontaneity, and a sense of adventure. They possess a genuine warmth and charisma that draws people toward them. Their enthusiasm and ability to live in the present moment make them engaging and captivating companions. They thrive in social settings and often have an extensive network of friends and acquaintances. However, maintaining long-term relationships may pose challenges for those with an orange aura. Their need for novelty and constant stimulation can sometimes lead to restlessness or a fear of commitment. They may struggle with routine and may require partners who share their sense of exploration and embrace change.
If an individual’s aura appears to be a murky orange, this could suggest they are having difficulties in connecting with their passion or creativity, encountering obstacles expressing their emotions, or are feeling a lack of vitality and motivation.
Yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra, which rules our self-esteem, intellect and personal power.
The yellow aura is often associated with individuals who exude warmth, intelligence, and liveliness. Yellow aura individuals embody the essence of sunshine, symbolizing joy, optimism, and intellectual curiosity. People with a yellow aura possess a natural brightness that can illuminate their surroundings and uplift those in their presence. They are known for their mental acuity, positive mindset, and a profound thirst for knowledge.
The mental landscape of individuals with a yellow aura is characterized by intellectual prowess, analytical thinking, and a deep desire for knowledge. They possess a keen intellect and a natural ability to absorb information quickly. Their curiosity is insatiable, driving them to explore various subjects and seek intellectual stimulation. With their sharp analytical skills, they excel in problem-solving and are often sought after for their insightful perspectives.
Emotionally, individuals with a yellow aura tend to have a balanced and harmonious inner state. They possess a strong sense of self-worth, which allows them to navigate emotions with grace and authenticity. While they experience a full spectrum of emotions, they have an innate ability to find emotional equilibrium and maintain a positive outlook. Yellow aura personalities are empathetic and compassionate toward others, often serving as pillars of support during challenging times. They offer a listening ear, provide comfort, and offer valuable insights. Their compassionate nature stems from their deep understanding of human emotions and their desire to uplift and empower those around them.
Yellow aura individuals also have a natural affinity for communication and possess excellent verbal and written skills. They can articulate their thoughts with clarity and express themselves eloquently.
If the yellow in an individual’s aura is murky or dull in color it could indicate low self-esteem, confusion, or a lack of uncertainty in one’s thoughts and communication.
People with a tan aura generally possess a practical mindset and tend to approach life with a pragmatic perspective. They are down-to-earth individuals who prioritize realistic solutions and prefer tangible outcomes over abstract concepts. Tan aura individuals have a balanced approach to life and possess a keen sense of sensibility and moderation. They often exhibit a rational and level-headed nature, making them adept at making sound decisions and finding equilibrium in various aspects of life. While tan auras are associated with practicality, individuals with this aura color can also possess a unique form of creativity. They often express their creativity in tangible ways, such as through craftsmanship, practical problem-solving, or developing innovative solutions. Their creative endeavors are often driven by a desire to find functional and efficient outcomes.
Tan is also linked to a nurturing and supportive personality. People with a tan aura value love and are often compassionate and empathetic, readily extending their care and support to others. They have an innate ability to create a calm and comforting environment, making them excellent listeners and advisers. Individuals with tan auras are also closely connected to the Earth and nature. People with this aura color may exhibit a deep appreciation for the natural world, finding solace and inspiration in its beauty. They may have a strong affinity for outdoor activities and possess a desire to preserve and protect the environment.
Tan energy often shows up with a person who is of a humble and modest demeanor. They tend to shy away from seeking attention or recognition for their actions, preferring to work diligently behind the scenes. Their humility stems from their grounded nature, focusing more on the collective good rather than personal achievements.
If the tan in an aura is murky in color it could indicate emotional confusion, inner conflicts, or difficulty processing one’s feelings. It could also indicate fatigue, feeling overwhelmed or a need for grounding.
Green frequencies resonate with the energy of the Heart Chakra, the center of personal growth and healing. A person with a vibrant green aura radiates unconditional love which is sensed by anyone that comes into their presence. They are the most balanced individuals in the entire color spectrum, giving equal attention to the people they love and their own creative goals. Individuals with a green aura possess a serene and grounded energy that exudes compassion and growth. They are constantly seeking new opportunities for self-improvement. They are open to change and adaptability, allowing them to embrace new beginnings and overcome challenges.
Green aura individuals are often regarded as natural healers and nurturers, radiating a sense of calm and stability. Individuals who emit green rays are known for their deep love and respect for nature. They find solace and rejuvenation in natural environments and often have a strong connection to plants, animals, and the elements.
Individuals with green auras are believed to possess a strong drive and determination to achieve their goals. They are focused on their ambitions and have the ability to manifest success in various aspects of their lives, such as career, finances, and personal achievements. Green aura personalities are often seen as assertive and confident individuals.
In relationships, individuals with a green aura prioritize harmony, understanding, and deep emotional connections. They value open communication, empathy, and mutual respect. Their nurturing nature extends to their relationships, as they invest time and energy in creating strong and supportive bonds.
If the green in an aura is murky or muddled it may indicate a lack of clarity, a sense of stagnation in one’s personal growth, or a difficulty finding balance in one’s life.
The turquoise aura is a captivating and enigmatic energy that combines the calmness of blue with the transformative power of green. Individuals with a turquoise aura emanate a unique vibrancy and radiance that draws others to them. They possess a rare blend of wisdom, intuition, and creativity, making them truly extraordinary beings.
One of the defining characteristics of those with a turquoise aura is their deep sense of spiritual awareness. They have a natural inclination toward seeking higher truths and exploring the mysteries of the universe. These individuals possess a profound connection with their inner selves and are often driven by a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world around them.
People with a turquoise aura are known for their exceptional intuition. They have a remarkable knack for reading people and situations, often being able to discern hidden truths that others may overlook. This intuitive wisdom allows them to navigate through life with a deep sense of purpose and understanding.
In addition to their intuitive nature, those with a turquoise aura are highly creative individuals. They possess an innate ability to think outside the box, constantly seeking innovative solutions to problems. Their imagination knows no bounds, and they often excel in artistic endeavors such as painting, writing, or music. Their creative energy is not limited to the arts, as they bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to any field they engage in.
One of the most remarkable aspects of those with a turquoise aura is their genuine compassion and empathetic nature. They possess a deep understanding of the human experience and are naturally drawn to helping others. Their compassionate hearts lead them to serve as healers, counselors, or advocates for those in need. They have an uncanny ability to offer guidance and support, providing comfort and reassurance to those around them.
Individuals with a turquoise aura are often seen as natural leaders. They possess a magnetic charisma that inspires and motivates others to follow their lead. Their leadership style is characterized by a harmonious balance of confidence, empathy, and humility. They have a talent for bringing people together, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration among diverse groups.
Despite their many positive traits, those with a turquoise aura can sometimes be prone to introspection and introspection. They may struggle with finding balance in their lives, as their deep introspective nature can lead to periods of self-doubt and overthinking. However, they always find a way to rise above these challenges, using their intuitive wisdom to guide them on their path of personal growth and self-discovery.
If an individual’s aura appears to be a murky turquoise, this could suggest that they are experiencing emotional confusion, indecisiveness, or a lack of clarity in one’s thoughts or intentions.
Blue is the most dynamic color in the aura atmosphere. It is connected to the Throat Chakra, so seeing blue in the aura correlates to efficient communication and self-expression. Individuals who have a blue aura speak their truth and share their wisdom in a serene manner. Blue-aura individuals are known for their depth of character. They are not superficial; rather, they are deep thinkers who enjoy exploring the complexities of life and human nature. These individuals are also characterized by their high sensitivity and empathy. Their intuitive senses are usually heightened, allowing them to perceive and understand the feelings of others accurately. They are the ones who will notice if someone in the room is uncomfortable or if a friend is going through a tough time, even when it's hidden behind a smile. This intuitive empathy endows them with a natural ability to provide emotional support to those around them.
Moreover, blue-aura individuals typically value truth and clarity. They are honest, straightforward people who appreciate transparency in their interactions. They are not fond of deception or hidden agendas, and their commitment to truth can often make them the moral compass in their social circles. They are the ones that friends turn to for unbiased advice and clear-headed decisions.
In the realm of creativity, blue-aura individuals shine bright. They are often gifted in various artistic fields such as music, writing, painting, or even cooking. Their creative minds enable them to express their profound thoughts and feelings through their work, often resulting in deeply moving and inspiring creations.
If the blue in an aura is murky or muddled in appearance it could indicate feeling overwhelmed or drained from overextending emotional support, struggling with setting boundaries, or having trouble communicating.
The color indigo is connected to the Third Eye Chakra and is indicative of a strong connection to your intuition, inner knowledge and imagination. Empathy is a hallmark characteristic of individuals with an indigo aura. They have an innate ability to connect with others on a profound emotional level. Their empathetic nature allows them to understand the feelings and experiences of those around them, making them natural caregivers and counselors. They have a genuine concern for the well-being of others and often find themselves drawn to healing and helping professions.
People with an indigo aura are believed to possess a deep and intuitive understanding of the world around them. They have a strong sense of inner knowing and rely on their instincts to guide them through life. They trust their gut feelings and have an uncanny ability to sense hidden truths and perceive beyond the surface level.
Individuals with an indigo aura are known for their independent and non-conformist nature. They have a strong sense of individuality and often resist societal norms and expectations. They march to the beat of their own drum, unafraid to challenge conventional wisdom and explore uncharted territories. This rebellious streak stems from their desire to bring about positive change and make a difference in the world.
Creativity is another prominent trait found in those with an indigo aura. They possess a vivid imagination and are often drawn to artistic pursuits. Whether it be music, writing, painting, or any other form of creative expression, their ability to channel their emotions and ideas into their art is remarkable. Their creative endeavors often serve as a means to convey messages of love, healing, and transformation.
Integrity and authenticity are highly valued by those with an indigo aura. They strive to live their lives in alignment with their deepest values and beliefs. They are unafraid to be their true selves, even if it means standing alone. Their commitment to authenticity often inspires others to embrace their own uniqueness and live authentically.
On the flip side, individuals with an indigo aura may sometimes struggle with feelings of isolation and alienation. Their distinctive perspectives and unconventional ways of thinking can make it challenging for them to find like-minded individuals who truly understand them. However, when they do find their tribe, they form deep and meaningful connections that can last a lifetime.
If the indigo in an aura is murky or muddled in color this can indicate an individual is going through a period of emotional or mental turmoil, struggling to access their inner wisdom, or feeling overwhelmed by psychic or energetic information.
The Crown Chakra is associated with the color violet, which symbolizes a connection to higher consciousness and our dreams. Individuals with violet auras possess a rare combination of wisdom, creativity, and a profound sense of purpose. They are often seen as visionaries who recognize the bigger picture of any situation and do not bogged down in the details.
Violet aura individuals are highly intuitive. They have a strong ability to tap into their inner guidance and trust their instincts. This intuitive nature allows them to make wise decisions and see beyond the surface level of situations. They have a knack for sensing the underlying truths and motives of others, making them excellent judges of character.
Individuals with a violet aura tend to be deep thinkers and philosophers. They constantly seek knowledge and understanding of the world around them. They are curious, introspective, and not afraid to explore the complexities of life. They have a natural inclination to question conventional beliefs and find their own truth. Their quest for knowledge often leads them on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
One of the most prominent aspects of a violet aura personality is their deep spiritual insight. These individuals have a natural inclination towards seeking knowledge and understanding beyond the physical realm. Despite their deep spiritual nature, people with a violet aura are also grounded and practical. They understand the importance of integrating their spiritual insights into their everyday lives. They have the ability to balance the ethereal and the mundane, making them effective at manifesting their ideas and turning their visions into reality. They possess a strong work ethic and are willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve their goals.
Empathy and compassion are fundamental characteristics of individuals with a violet aura. They have a deep understanding of human emotions and can easily put themselves in other people's shoes. They have a natural inclination to help and uplift others, often serving as a source of guidance and support. Their compassionate nature makes them excellent listeners and confidants, capable of providing comfort and understanding to those in need.
When the violet in an aura appears murky or cloudy, it typically suggests a disruption or imbalance in a person’s spiritual energy. It may indicate confusion, uncertainty or a lack of clarity in matters of spirituality, intuition or higher purpose.
Associated with the Soul chakra, the hallmark of an individual who has surpassed the limitations of the physical realm is an all-white aura. Such beings are incredibly rare, with only a handful possibly existing on Earth. An individual with a white aura emanates purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment They often possess a serene and ethereal presence, radiating a sense of peace and tranquility that can be felt by those around them. One of the defining characteristics of individuals with a white aura is their strong moral compass. They possess a deep sense of right and wrong, and their actions are guided by a profound commitment to integrity, honesty, and fairness. They strive to live their lives in alignment with their principles, and they inspire others to do the same through their unwavering ethical standards.
People with a white aura are known for their exceptional clarity of thought and insight. They have a keen perception of the world around them and possess a deep sense of wisdom. They are often sought out for guidance and advice, as they can provide valuable perspectives and help others see the bigger picture. Their words are imbued with profound meaning and have a transformative effect on those who listen.
Compassion and empathy are also prominent qualities in individuals with a white aura. They have a remarkable ability to understand and share the feelings of others, offering solace and support in times of need. Their compassionate nature extends not only to humans but also to all living beings, as they recognize the interconnectedness of all life and strive to promote harmony and healing in the world.
People with a white aura are deeply spiritual and have a strong connection to the divine. They have a profound understanding of the universal truths and seek to cultivate a deep and meaningful connection with the higher realms. Their spirituality is not confined to any specific religious or philosophical system but rather encompasses a broad and inclusive perspective that embraces the essence of all faiths. In addition to their spiritual qualities, individuals with a white aura often possess a great sense of creativity and imagination. They have the ability to visualize and manifest their dreams into reality, and their artistic endeavors reflect a deep appreciation for beauty and harmony. Whether it is through painting, writing, music, or other forms of artistic expression, they channel their inner light and inspire others with their creations.
Individuals with a white aura also possess a strong sense of discipline and self-control. They are committed to personal growth and strive for self-improvement in all aspects of their lives. They have a deep understanding of the power of the mind and practice mindfulness and meditation to cultivate inner peace and clarity. Their disciplined nature allows them to overcome challenges and setbacks with grace and resilience.
A murky white aura could suggest that there are unresolved emotions, confusion or lack of clarity in a person’s life. It could also indicate that an individual is experiencing some inner turmoil, mental fog or a sense of being disconnected from their spiritual self.
A rainbow aura is connected to the complete Chakra System and is often visualized as a burst of light showcasing all auric colors. Like a prism refracting sunlight into a captivating display of colors, the rainbow aura personality radiates positivity, joy, and boundless energy. Their aura can be contagious, drawing others in and uplifting their spirits.
At the core of the rainbow aura personality lies a deep sense of interconnectedness with the world around them. These individuals possess a profound understanding of the unity and interdependence of all things, fostering a strong sense of empathy and compassion. Their ability to see the world through various lenses enables them to embrace diversity and appreciate the beauty in every individual they encounter. This inclusive mindset often makes them exceptional mediators and peacemakers, as they effortlessly bridge divides and create harmony in their relationships.
One of the defining traits of the rainbow aura personality is their remarkable adaptability. Just as a rainbow gracefully adjusts its colors to the changing atmospheric conditions, individuals with a rainbow aura possess a natural flexibility and resilience. They navigate life's challenges with grace and determination, embracing change as an opportunity for growth rather than a source of fear. This adaptability is intertwined with their inherent optimism, as they hold an unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of the world and the potential for positive transformation.
Creativity flows through the veins of those with a rainbow aura personality. They possess an innate ability to think outside the box, seeing possibilities where others see limitations. Their imagination knows no bounds, and they effortlessly infuse their endeavors with originality and flair. Whether it be in the arts, sciences, or any other field, their unique perspective and innovative thinking often lead to groundbreaking ideas and creative solutions.
In relationships, the rainbow aura personality radiates warmth, love, and genuine authenticity. They have a profound capacity for deep connections, as their empathetic nature enables them to truly understand and support their loved ones. Their open-mindedness and non-judgmental approach create a safe space for others to express themselves freely, fostering a sense of trust and intimacy. They inspire those around them to embrace their true selves and celebrate their individuality.
The rainbow aura personality is also characterized by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and personal growth. They are lifelong learners, constantly seeking to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of the world. This intellectual curiosity often leads them to explore a wide range of interests and disciplines, accumulating a wealth of knowledge and wisdom along the way.
Despite their many positive attributes, individuals with a rainbow aura personality are not exempt from the complexities of human existence. Like the ever-changing colors of a rainbow, they may experience moments of emotional turbulence and self-doubt. However, their innate resilience and optimism enable them to navigate these challenges and emerge stronger than before. They view hardships as opportunities for growth and introspection, using them as stepping stones on their path to self-realization.
Each aura color is associated with a different type of energy and/or personality. The subsequent explanations of aura colors aim to provide a basic understanding of aura interpretation. It is important to note that colors, shapes and color combinations all play a significant role in interpreting auras. Your aura colors have the ability to change, much like the ever-changing nature of your emotions, situations and life circumstances. Not all color meanings are applicable simultaneously.

aura portrait anatomy
The color on the left side of your aura portrait, or your body’s right side, indicates one’s expressive active or masculine side, the personality one projects outward, aka your persona. Colors on this side reflect your interactions with others, communication style, and your overall approach to the world. They also represent past energy or energy that you are letting go of. If there is no color in this position (a hole so to speak) this may indicate a loss of some sort, a recent move, or a profound personal transformation.
The color on the right side of your aura portrait, or the body’s left side, represents one’s feminine receptive side, the dreamier, imaginative, emotive part of your personality. It is energy that you are working with internally and therefore can be seen as how we view ourselves. Colors on this side indicate future energy you may be calling in or manifesting for yourself. They also provide insight into your spiritual beliefs, intuition and inner wisdom. If there is an abundance of color here, you may be focusing a great deal of attention on the future. If there is lack of color here, you may be dwelling on past memories and events.
The color on the center of your aura portrait (above the forehead) represents your consciousness and present energy – the thoughts, feelings and emotions you are currently experiencing.
If there is a band of color stretching like an arc within the top half of the image, this is indicative of something you hold in high esteem or something you are working towards connecting to- also known as your hopes, goals and aspirations. For example, an indigo blue arc may indicate that your highest aspirations may be spiritual or artistic, while a red arc may indicate more of a monetary or business goal.
Auras that expand out from the body indicate high energy, expressiveness, extraversion, social activity, desire for connection, gregariousness, a positive outlook, a sense of adventure, or spiritual expansion.
Auras that are closer in indicate inward focus, sensitivity, desire for solitude, meditation, peace, tranquility, or rest. It could also mean a need to express or move out.